Monday 16 August 2010

My College Life Short Story

Hi,friend how are you?Now i am shareing my college life short story.I was a student of Molovisamsul karim college at chhagalnaiya in feni in bangladesh.I think it a good quality college like other college in our country.because in this college every teacher is very good quality teacher and also every student of this college have a good standerd.I all time owe of this college and also every teacher of this college. I specialy give thanks to Mr.Abdul Motin,Mr.Halim,Mr.karim and also Mr.Dulal who gave me lot of help in my college life.I am not a popular man not a star that i am saying this.But i am mainly introduce to the people of my country bangladesh as a simple student of this country.At my college life i got lot of help also from my friends.I was a student of commerce group in H.S.C. it's not my sorrow that i was not a good student.I was a simple and modest student in my college.Had no any one student in my college at that when i was student of this college kown to me for my modestry.Thank you brother for reading my waste writting.I can not waste your time today.Another day i will come to you and will say my many more interesting life story.

My School Life Short Story

I have completed my s.s.c. in 2004 from chhagalnaiya pilot high school.It's located at chhagalnaiya in feni country of bangladesh.It's not a good quality school i think on the base of other school's result.but i am not a boy of rich family for that reason i can not read from any good school in our country.In the end of this think have another reason this is i was not a good student in my school level.May be my roll number had 13 in 150 student in my high school.I was a student of commerce group.At that time i was a first boy of my commerce group.unfortunatly,i couldn't do my s.s.c. result good like A+,A.Because at the time of my examination i was,there is no chance in my life at the time of school level.

Saturday 14 August 2010

A Short Description About me

Do you know who am i? I think you don't know about me.Because i am not a star not a popular man.I am a student.My name is RIAZ UDDIN and i am a student of BBA in IIUC,DC.Do you know what is the meaning of IIUC,DC?
I think some people know me who are the student of BBA in IIUC,DC.
Don't worry i am saying what is the meaning of IIUC,DC.
IIUC,DC means International Islamic University Chittagong,Dhaka Campus.
Do you have any Idea where is IIUC,DC?No no baby don't worry i am saying where is IIUC,DC.It is in Bangladesh.A leading Privet University in Bangladesh and i am the one of student of this University.