Monday 16 August 2010

My School Life Short Story

I have completed my s.s.c. in 2004 from chhagalnaiya pilot high school.It's located at chhagalnaiya in feni country of bangladesh.It's not a good quality school i think on the base of other school's result.but i am not a boy of rich family for that reason i can not read from any good school in our country.In the end of this think have another reason this is i was not a good student in my school level.May be my roll number had 13 in 150 student in my high school.I was a student of commerce group.At that time i was a first boy of my commerce group.unfortunatly,i couldn't do my s.s.c. result good like A+,A.Because at the time of my examination i was,there is no chance in my life at the time of school level.

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